
Wednesday 20 February 2013

Snow in Nanjing!

Tuesday morning we woke up to almost 20cm of snow.  Apparently it was a rare thunder snow storm that happened Monday overnight.  Here are some pics of my neighbourhood Tuesday morning.

The poor trees didn't know how to handle all the weight, we had a lot of casualties over the day.

The snow crippled Nanjing so badly that today when myself and the other teachers got to the school it was to find at most 20 of our students at the school, the rest had chosen to stay home because the roads were bad and it was officially a snow day.  We stayed for all but the last period, where pretty much everyone had given up and our 20 had cut down to below 10 students.
This means that tomorrow I finally get to start teaching Ancient Civilizations to my students and I only have 17 weeks left before school is finished and I've got a lot to cover in that short amount of time.  Wish me luck!

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