
Monday 18 February 2013

Back in Nanjing

Well I'm back in Nanjing, the end of my travelling around China at least for now.
Eliza left for Melbourne, Australia yesterday afternoon and should be there by now. I hope she has a great time but I will definitely miss her presence here with me in my apartment (already it seems so much emptier and quieter).
The last few days have been kinda hard what with jetlag from all the planes we rode on in the past three weeks and Eliza leaving I started to feel very home sick.  But I have found a community online of expats in Nanjing and I'm going to start leaving my apartment and get to know some of the other expats living here in Nanjing.  Tomorrow night I'm going to a board game night downtown to meet some other foreigners and just get out of the apartment for something other than school, and groceries.
I don't start back teaching until Wednesday morning so I've got a little bit more time to recover and get my head back into the game of teaching.  And this time I'm teaching Ancient Civilizations so it's something that I know and highly enjoy so that is something I'm looking forward to.
I guess that's it for now, I'll keep you up to date with my last few months of my first year in China. 

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