
Saturday 15 September 2012

Walking Tour of the Apartment Complex

Two posts in less than 24 hours! Don't get used to this. 
Today is such a beautiful day I decided to go out and take a tour of the apartment complex, I'm not sure exactly how many buildings are in the complex.  I live in building 15 and I saw a sign for 18 but nothing lower.  There are quite a few buildings though.  Here are some pics of the little compound I find myself living in.  
You can't tell but my apartment is visible in this picture.  One of the balconies nearest to left is mine, on the tenth floor. 

The lake within the compound, quite beautiful and full of fish.

Already out and enjoying the sun, will definitely be bringing a book down here before it gets too chilly.

Kids' playground.

The swimming pool, that I couldn't seem to find the entrance to.

There are a few of these areas in the compound, housing the residents' scooters.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...what a beautiful place you are at. One thing the Chinese seem to do well is put green spaces around their building complexes. Very nice. I also liked the Sushi bar. 180 is that about $25 ? Anyway, glad you are doing better and yeah, you should go to the green space and read there. Also try to find a way into the pool. The pool part of your complex ?? Anyway later for now.
    Luv Dad.
