
Saturday 29 September 2012

My Students at Jinling High School

Hello all,

Sorry it's been awhile since my last post. There hasn't really been too much going on.  But that will soon change - I am officially on holiday for an entire week and one of my students has offered to take Maggie and I around to different sights. 

This is the school's emblem that is everywhere on both the school buildings and the students' uniforms.
The last few days I've had my camera in the classrooms video taping the students' speeches that they have been working on for a week and a half.  While I had the camera I decided that I would take a picture of all my students to introduce them to everyone.  |Most of the students are photographed below with the exception of two of my Grade 11s and all of my Grade 10s. 

 This is my last class of the day and they are all hams but really great students.  Their names are; Boys (L to R) Alex, Hanson, Jovian, N'aix, Arthur, Joseph, and Tom; Girls (L to R) Linda, Rosemary, Flora, Amanda

This is my second class of the day, they are the most skilled at English and are really fun to teach.  Their names are; Boys (L to R) Nemo, Arron, Chace, Leon, Edward, Jerry, Robert, Sandy; Girls (L to R) Conni, Tiffany, Gloria, Iris, Sara, Shirley, Trista, Tina
This is my second to last class of the day, they can sometimes be the most challenging because I have them right after a 2 hour lunch break but they are still good kids.  Boys (L to R) Sparrow, Heath, Allen, Somnus, Evan (Jax and Karry are missing).  Girls (L to R) Tracy, Sakura, Cindy, Irene, Garry, Cheryl, Alisa, Victoria, Alice, Dora.

I really like their uniforms here.  First off they remind of Hell's Kitchen with the boys wearing blue and the girls wearing red but because the uniforms are all polos with track pants and a track jacket the issue of clothing being inappropriately worn is not an issue like it is at schools in Ontario that have uniforms. 

Tune in often over the next few days as I will be posting a lot of pictures of different sights here in Nanjing.

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