
Saturday 15 September 2012

My second week of teaching is done!

Hey everyone,

I have officially completed my second week on the job.  It had a few rough patches at the beginning of the week but thanks to the other teachers here and the International Director of Bond things are starting to look up.  I still don't really know how I should be teaching these students but I am trying different activities to see if they will respond to them or not.  

Last night Maggie and Paul and I were invited to meet up with the other Bond teachers at the other school here in Nanjing at a restaurant a 13 minute subway ride from our apartments.  It was for Teppanyaki which is Japanese, it is essentially fried meat (beef, lamb, fish) that is fried on a flat top right in front of us.  It was quite good and my stomach enjoyed having food that it not only recognized but deemed as meat and protein.  It cost RMB 180 a person and the people who paid with two 100 kuai bills did not get any change back, considering we were told this was a non-tipping culture.  The restaurant happened to be filled with foreigners that night, they seemed British or American based on their volume and need to have a beer in hand at all times.  We are able to have some conversations with the other teachers and get to know them all, but next time we are going to try a place that is slightly more intimate so that we can have more conversations. 
This is lamp chops that were dipped in a sauce before being put on the grill.  It was quite good.

These scallops were grilled and then served to us in their shells.  The first round for some reason they were not fully cooked but the second round they were more cooked.
This is bananas and ice cream that were grilled and then flam-bayed with brandy.

The reaction of the brandy on the hot top.
Above is a quick video of the bananas getting flam-bayed.

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