
Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Apartment

Since the video wouldn't upload yesterday I went back and took pictures of the apartment to show you all.

My tiny but functional kitchen.

Pretty empty living area but I have been promised a sofa later this wek.

My balcony, which doubles as my dryer.

Pretty white bedroom, gotta change that though.

So that's the apartment, in a few weeks to months I expect it will look totally different. 

Yesterday was a bad day for me teaching, I was questioning why I am here because I have been thrust into a course that I do not know anything about so I therefore am struggling on how to teach it.  I was feeling very bad yesterday and then the secretary of the school told us that today we had to go get a medical examination done for the visa requirements as a resident and that we needed extra passport photos.  Neither Maggie or myself had brought extra photos so we had to go to a photo store that was three blocks away from the school.  We decided to walk there even though it was the opposite direction of our apartment.  We were talking and stressing while walking down the street when someone we passed said "Hey" to us.  I stopped in mid-step and went back and introduced myself and to ask for directions.  His name is Chaste and he is from Vaughn.  He told us that we were in heading in the right direction.  He too is here teaching but at a different school near us.  He gave us his number and we continued on our way. 
After we got the photos we were near to a Wal-Mart like store so we went in to get a few necessities for the apartments and then took a cab home. 

Today we went for the medical and even though we did everything in Canada, because Bond took all our originals we had to do all the tests over again.  It wasn't so bad, and was actually pretty quick.  It was weird that they brought Maggie and I into the rooms together for the tests like the EKG and the ultrasound.  The results should be in on Friday but I don't think we are returning to that building, the British teachers will probably pick them up for us.  I missed my first period of teaching today so now I have to figure out a way to keep them from falling behind the other two classes that I have this afternoon.  I'm sure I will figure it out but after my day yesterday I'm doubting myself. 


  1. Hey Steph sorry to hear you are still having issues with the course but at least you have your apartment and it looks very nice. It looks new, very new. That is good they are getting you a sofa, looks like you could also use a dresser and maybe a dinner table as well. Have you asked about heating in the winter yet ? I know it's early but if you need to get a sapce heater you should at least start looking. Sorry we missed you last night, via skype but we look forward to you getting internet at home.
    Love Dad

  2. least you got an apartment with a west type toilet : )
