
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Beijing Day Six - Silk Street and Olympic Park

Hello all,

Today Eliza and I went to Silk street which is a huge mall filled with knock off products.  We were pretty successful and only bought the things were we looking to buy.  No pictures from there unfortunately. 

After Silk Street we headed to Olympic Park and finally went into the buildings!

First off was the Watercube. 

I didn't think the cool texture would continue into the inside of the building but it did. 

I like that the original decorations were still up, we spent a few minutes trying to nme the various flags of the world.  Two Chinese flags of course.

Part of the cube was transformed into the waterpark that we didn't feel like going into.

In preparation for London 2012 there was a lot of stuff set up around the Cube to celebrate the Summer Olympics. 

This part is still open to people to practise swimming lengths and it looked like there was a team getting ready to practice.

You could also feed koi fish milk through a bottle. 

After that Bird's Nest.

The torch.

Inside the Bird's Nest.
Kids riding Segways.

 We went to dinner with our two friends from Louisiana that we met at our hostel. 
Cliff and Eliza

Me and Dustin

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