
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Beijing Day Five - Summer Palace

So today after a very late start Elixa and I made our way to the Summer Palace.
We went to lunch first at a restaurant near the hostel.  As we were finishing up two foreigners walked in and sat at the table next to us.  I noticed the man had a Canada flag patch on his bag and we had to ask.  Eliza thought she had heard an Aussie accent so immediately assumed that he wasn't Canadian but it turns out he is from Grimsby, Ontario and the woman he was with was actually from Argentina.  This man from Grimsby is the closest to home (Toronto) that we've met so far, the other Canadians were Quebecois and Calgary.
After lunch we made our way towards the Summer Palace, it was actually quite far from our hostel so we had to take three seperate subway lines to get there.
We arrived late in the afternoon so we couldn't buy a ticket to see the whole park but we were able to see the Palace itself and a frozen market street called Suzhou Street.

This is people seat skating along the Suzhou Street.


All the sewers in these ancient complexes remind me of sad faces.


Very well fed and beautiful cat.

Eliza chilling as she waits for me to finish my picture taking.

And of course my favourite saying of the day...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a beautiful day for the trip. No Olympic village ??
    As always, great shots.
