
Sunday 27 January 2013

Thaipusam Festival - Hindu Thanksgiving

This is the festival I mentioned in yesterday's post.  This temple was only a short walk from our hostel, we entered from the back and walked through to see all the people getting ready for the parade walk of 4km.
I don't remember if I mentioned this yesterday but these ornate costumes are attached to the person by little hooks through the skin on their chest, back, and on some even the face.

The festival also involves alot of drums, unfortunately we were never sure what the different drum tunes represented but they were fun to watch.

Everywhere throughout the temple you would see people getting ready to put the costumes on, the first step was always blessing the contraptions and offering food to the gods.

This guy was just about finished when we saw him, he was supporting the weight on his own and his helpers were making sure that all the hooks were attached.  Each of those chains you see end with a hook that was attached to his skin.

Bells attached by hooks on the back.

This one was different because instead of chains it was actually long rods that were crisscrossed on his chest.  The supports for the contraption were even threaded through his skin.

Somehow we ended up part of the procession towards the temple where the parade would end (completely my fault).

A lot of people were carrying these urns, unfortunately we don't know what was inside them.

The young man behind this guy is holding ropes that are actually attached by hooks.  Everyonce in a while he'd pull up on the ropes.

This guy is actually attached to the cart behind him (the umbrella) he has people helping him so the weight is not too much but he is essentially pulling the cart.

This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I am glad we stuck around Little India to see.  I don't know when I would have had another chance to see something like this again.

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