
Saturday 26 January 2013

Singapore Botanical Gardens

Hello all,

Finishing up our first day in Singapore. 
It was a great day.  We bought some flip flops cuz the humidity was so bad that our poor feet couldn't handle being confined in our running shoes.  We then took a walking tour of the Botanical Gardens of Singapore and did some shopping down the famed Orchard Road. 

I am now sitting outside of our hostel on the patio enjoying a beautiful evening.  It just turned 8pm and it's very peaceful here.  I spent a few minutes talking to one of the workers here while Eliza went to get dinner and he told me that there is to be a large festival celebrating Hindu thanksgiving only a few steps away from our hostel.  It's going to be something unique to see that I am actually looking very forward to. 

Only a few pictures tonight, I love being in a country where there is no VPN needed and I can post pictures the day of instead of waiting until after we've nearly finished our trip. 

This was actually where we exited the park but it seemed like the best picture to introduce the day.

Black swan, and the humans in the background enjoying a beautiful day at the park.  Eliza and I already decided if we were ever to live in Singapore we would visit this park as often as we could, it is just so peaceful, beautiful and quiet for the middle of a large city. 

It was hot, we needed a break.

Big bacon cheese burger for lunch. 

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