
Sunday 2 December 2012

Eliza has made it to Nanjing!

So Eliza was originally supposed to arrived this morning but I got an email yesterday morning saying that she was not able to get on the bus that she needed to get on and was instead going to fly straight from Hong Kong to Nanjing. She arrived yesterday afternoon at the airport by 1:30pm.  I wasn't able to get out to the airport to meet her but I found a bus for her to take that would bring her into the city to the main Railway Station and I met her there.  It was very hard to find out exactly where I was supposed to go, there were signs in English and Chinese characters but no signs for what I was looking for (the Airport Bus Station).  Luckily I had my phone and was able to use my Google translate app to ask the police men where I was supposed to go. 
I found the spot and waited for a while but there was no sign of her.  I walked back and forth from the subway entrance to the bus station a few times hoping that I had not missed her.  On one of the trips I took these pictures and video. 
I did eventually find Eliza but I missed her getting off the bus and we found each other as she made her way to the subway and I was walking back to the bus station.  I couldn't stay still, there was no spot to stand inside by the bus station and it was cold!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't look like a zoo. A zoo would mean it was packed but I did not see it that way. Was that downtown Nanjing in the background ??
