
Friday 16 November 2012

Nanjing QiXia Mountain Scenic Park

Today Maggie, myself and the Brits went on a field trip with the school. It was a little chilly and threatening rain but the entire International Department went.  I think we were in 5 buses total, not exactly sure.  We were told to meet at the entrance at 11:30 for lunch and then sent on our way.  So the five of us walked the area not really knowing what it was we should be seeing exactly.  You will notice that the forest is very reminiscent of Canada but we really are in China.  We climbed a mountain and were celebrities with photo ambushes and it was a pretty good day.

Lunch was in a traditional Chinese restaurant, all the teachers ate together in a private room and were served various dishes such as; beef and potatoes, sweet and sour chicken, cooked lettuce, a full fish, stuffed bread thingy, weird smelly tofu, and I think that's it.  When we came out of the restaurant it was raining so we explored the small town near the park and then ran to the bus to get warm and dry.
Here are the pics.

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