
Thursday 26 February 2015

New Zealand 2015; Lake Taupo

Our second full day featured us driving for 5.5 hours from Wellington to the town of Taupo, which sits on the coast of New Zealand's largest lake - Lake Taupo.
First here are some pics of the scenery outside the bus windows and a video showing how we had fun on the bus rides.

Washroom stop and quick coffee fill up in the town of Bulls.  Due to Kellie (our tour manager's accent) a few of us heard Balls instead. 

Bus Surfing Video - on the roads from Wellington to Taupo there was a competition for who could stay standing the longest.

We arrived at Taupo and people went off to do some activities around the town. I opted to not do any activities and instead watched a few people do a Bungy jump and swing.

Lake Taupo looking back at the town of Taupo from near our hotel. 

For dinner that night, the entire group opted to go out on a dinner cruise around the lake.  It was a lot of fun, but I think I took too many pics of the amazing sunset.  This cruise was on Valentine's Day so we were all wearing something of either pink or red. 

Our boat.

Ryan and Lisa - from Anaheim.

Me pretending to fish.

Tayla actually fishing and reeling in a fish.

Left to Right: Jessica, Lisa, Me and Stacey

Drinking challenge...shot, beer, wine - the team that drinks all three the fastest wins.  Contiki group versus the boat crew. Contiki lost bad.

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