
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Iron Man 3 in China **Warning Possible Spoilers If You Haven't Watched it Yet**

So based on the title and my Facebook post the other day I went to see Iron Man 3 in China on May 1.  It was my first time seeing a movie here in China so I thought I'd share my experience and my thoughts.

To begin, our picked movie time was at 2:45pm we got to the theatre a little after 2:15 and had to wait in line to buy our tickets. Outside the movie theater there were people scalping tickets for different show times, it seems like a good system since the line inside was huge but I wonder how much they upped the price.  The list for the movies not only had the showtimes but also had a countdown of how many seats were available.  By the time we got to the front of the line it was 2:47 and there were 5 seats left but luckily there was another showing at 3:20 so we bought tickets for that one. It's assigned seating and the only seats left available were the first two rows, we picked row 2 seats 11 and 12. It cost me 100 yuan ($16 CAD) for a 3D movie.  We had to wait until 3:10 to enter the theatre.  I was worried about being so close to the screen but when we got in there I was pleasantly surprised to see that the screen was actually a distance away (almost like a whole area to stand in for some reason at the very front) before the seats started.
My Ticket...was in room 2 seated in aisle 2 and seat 12.  It even says that the movie is in English.

India told me that the previous movies she had been to see in China (Skyfall and Cloud Atlas) had had no advertisements or trailers and the movie had started at the right time.  Not so with our movie we had about ten minutes of commercials (mostly telling us what product placement we could expect to see in the movie - Audi, TCL phone, and a Chinese drink).

Now on to the movie itself (spoilers if you haven't seen it yet)...

So there were definite Chinese parts in the movie - they were the only parts that did not have Chinese subtitles (the movie was in English minus the Chinese scenes).
At the beginning in Switzerland Tony is introduced to a Chinese doctor - after talking with Eliza I found that my scene featured the doctor talking in Chinese to Tony for a minute and Tony responding in English, the American version has something completely different.

Later on in the movie we see the same Chinese man talking on the phone in Beijing - again no subtitle so no idea what was said.

Near the end of the movie is the extended Chinese scene featuring the actress - it was literally a two minute conversation in Chinese while the doctor and the woman scrubbed up for an operation.  Then there is Tony's operation followed by a shot of Tony and Pepper on vacation/ after the operation clearly in Shanghai before we return to Tony back at the house in Malibu. 

For the most part the Chinese audience laughed at the same jokes as their western audience mates except for the reference to 'A Christmas Story' and when the Chinese drink was seen in the Chinese scenes.

I really enjoyed the movie and the experience wasn't that bad either (I'd heard rumors that Chinese people talk throughout movies) I'd like to see it again but might wait for download or DVD. 

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