
Sunday 11 November 2012

A Day in the Life - Regular Sunday Afternoon Downtown

So, the week was okay.   Taught some lessons, confiscated some cell phones, the same old.  Yesterday was pretty rainy out so I stayed in and marked a bunch of assignments, lesson planned and watched movies.  Today was a much better day so Maggie and I decided to go shopping at the international grocers that we go to.

I made a video of today's adventure.  I've compiled it into one file and as soon as I get it uploaded to the internet somewhere I will share it with everyone who is interested but for now I will post the pictures that go along with the video.
Here is the video and just in case, here is the youtube link as well just in case.


Lonely Planet Canada Chinese Edition

Egg Pastries, similar to Portuguese custards (still haven't tried them yet tho)

Full train

Very full train

Aqua City, already decorated for Xmas...the Halloween decorations were better.

Live crabs in little containers for easy transport. :(

More crabs


Its very popular to see condoms in multiple spots in a grocery store as they are trying to encourage young people to use protection. 
My Haul for the day: a lot of yarn for a little over $10 CAD, rice crackers, milk, pear juice, pear nectar, canned tomatoes, nature valley bars - apple crisp flavour, ground beef, apple cutter, green beans

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