
Sunday 23 November 2014

Teacher Weekend Away - November 22 and 23 2014

Went on a great trip this past weekend, fully paid for by the school. We traveled to two towns a few hours away from Nanjing.  On Saturday we visited the city of Changzhou and then on Sunday we visited the town of Zhenjiang.

Our Saturday in Changzhou consisted of a visit to the YanCheng Spring and Autumn Period Theme Park.  It's not quite like a theme park we would visit back home but it was still beautiful and we all had fun.
The entire group in front of the entrance of the Theme Park. 

Three beautiful ladies, surrounded by gold.

Janani and Joe enjoying a ride on their cart.

Nick and I playing the flute with some statues.

Stef at the head of the class, as usual.

Stone steps.

Sitting in front of Confucius ready to learn.

Stef catching a ride from Debbie.

Mike and Elaine discussing the man with the horse.

Me trying to figure out how to drive the cart.

Hanging out with Bambi.

Having fun in their rain coats.

After our day at the park we drove for another 1.5 hours to a five star resort just outside of Zhenjiang.  We had a delicious dinner and very comfortable beds. 

On Sunday we left the hotel just after 9:00am and traveled to Jiaoshan Mountain in Zhenjiang.  The cloud cover (fog) was pretty intense in the morning but we still had a great time exploring the temple at the base of the mountain.