
Saturday 5 April 2014

Spring Field Trip - Gao Chun Scenic Area and Strawberry Picking

This past Friday (April 4) our school had its spring field trip.  We found out about the trip Tuesday and then Friday morning we were getting on the buses headed off to places unknown, with the promise that we would be going strawberry picking. 
We rode for about 1.5 hours and came to this Old Street that had a bunch of vendors on it.  We were told we only had 40 minutes to see the sights before we got on the bus and headed to our next stop. 

Younga and Dan preparing to jump.

Dan's new friends.

I'm not entirely sure of the purpose for the pepper.

Some of our students saying hello.

A well and a toilet in the same spot...raises some eyebrows.

Noel, Younga and Dan trying some of the goodies found at the vendors.

Sifting flour.

I've got a frying pan.

After we got back on the bus, we traveled for another hour and came to another spot.  This is where we found out later the teachers had had lunch - no one told us, but that's okay we did our own thing. 

Empty but pretty.

We rented a quad-cycle(?) otherwise known as a bicycle built for four.  This is Noel and Dan.

Me and Younga.

Some more of our students have difficulties with their quad-cycle.

Our Sr 3s brought their own propane stove and made kabobs and fried rice for lunch.  They shared with their hungry teachers.

And then we got back onto the buses and drove for 15 minutes to the strawberry fields.  There was a lady in a tiny truck leading the way for us but we kind of sat on her bumper the entire way so at sometimes I thought we were going to hit her.  We only had 40 minutes to pick strawberries. 

It was a fun day but by the time I got home I was tired and hungry despite all the strawberries I had tasted.  Younga and I got an early dinner together and then went our separate ways.