
Monday 25 November 2013

Huangshan - Yellow Mountain

Had a great weekend.  Just enjoy the pictures.

Hotel Room #1

The Huangshan 10 - from left to right (Eric, Ana, Stefani, Amy, Me, Mike, Zinnia, Karen, Brent, Adam)

Amy with her cowboys - Eric and Brent.

Stef and Steph hanging out by the padlock of love.

Hotel Room #2

Stef and Amy

Zinnia, Stef, Eric and Amy on a walk down stairs (not as rare as you'd expect on a mountain)

Sunday 17 November 2013

Autumn Field Trip - Nanjing Pearl Spring

This past Friday I went on a field trip with the students of my school to the Nanjing Pearl Spring Scenic Area just on the outskirts of Nanjing.  I went with Zinnia, Chloe, Noel (Brits) and Jake (American) in addition to all the students and the Chinese teachers.

Nanjing Pearl Spring Scenic Area

The Lake - every park in Nanjing seems to have a lake.

Bamboo Boats (made out of aluminum)

Such a sad looking enclosure.




"I will dance for my food."

The Great Wall in Nanjing

Playing the rocks.

Zinnia balancing precariously on the wall.

Amusement Rides

Log Ride

With a broken dinosaur!

BBQ pits.

My students cooking their lunch. 

One of the games in the amusement park.

Maybe Confucius, maybe Buddha - I don't know
Jake steering the boat.

Some of the students from my school, connected their boats to ours.