
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Back in Nanjing for Another Year

Hello friends,

I'm back from my two month holiday in Canada.  I had a great vacation visiting with family and just enjoying the time at home.

Now I am back in Nanjing preparing for another year at Jinling High School.  School starts officially next Monday but this Thursday and Friday we can go into the school, prepare our desks and hopefully do some printing off for the first week or so.

This is my second full day back and the jet lag is really hitting me hard - I don't remember in comparison to last year exactly but it definitely sucks.  I mistakenly took a five hour nap yesterday afternoon leading to a sleepless night with only one hour going by that I did not check the time (which means I hopefully was asleep for that hour.)

I'm excited/nervous for the courses I am teaching this year.  I will be teaching an online version of EWC 4U to my Senior 3 (grade twelve aged) classes and one section of drama to the Senior 2 class (grade eleven aged).  Neither are courses I really know much bout from a teaching point of view (I took both of them in High School but that was it).  I'm going to try to stay positive this year and let things roll off my shoulders more so than I did last year.

That's it for now, just thought I'd check in and let my readers know that I am still alive and I'm looking forward to sharing my adventures of my second year in China.