
Tuesday 18 June 2013

Last Day out with the International Students

So the international students that I have become friends with over this past year (Marta, India, Adriano, Thorge, Leon) are getting ready to head back to their respective homes.  Marta, India and Adriano leave Nanjing on the 20th, while Thorge and Leon don't leave until after I do.  Today was our last group day where we could all be together and hang out.
We went to Xuanwu Lake and played a few rounds of the game Heads Up (an IPod app that we discovered the night before from some other foreigners) before Leon had to leave to go play basketball with some friends.  The rest of us then rented a boat and went out on the lake and played more rounds of the game on the water.  It was really really hot - I think it was 35 feeling like 50 Celsius.
Here are the pics and a few videos (I hope these ones work this time).

From left to right; Thorge, Marta, Adriano

After the hour rental was up we made our way to dinner and then to a bar near the restaurant.  We proceeded to have a lot of fun.

Writing on the wall of Ellen's bar. 

Playing more 'Heads Up'

It's Marta's turn.

What the rest of us look like when trying to explain to her the clue.

India's turn.

Dancing to the music playing.

Friday 14 June 2013

Marta, India and Stephanie take Xuanwu Lake

This Wednesday we had a holiday for the Dragon Boat Festival, therefore no school.  India, Marta and I decided to go to Xuanwu Lake (the biggest lake in Nanjing), I had not visited before this.  We could only stay for a few hours because we all had jobs to do in the afternoon but it was a very relaxing and enjoyable morning.  Here are the pics.

So India drew the image and Marta got the t-shirts printed, we looked like a tour group it was great.

Paddle boat around Xuanwu Lake, great time of day for it, would have liked the shade to be gone but this is China and they love "white"

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Jinling International Department Club Festival

As a end of year celebration all of the clubs were encouraged to prepare a presentation of what they accomplished throughout the year.  Maggie, Younga and I attended to cheer on our students and see them perform.  It was a long 2.5 hours but it was fun.

If the video above doesn't work try this URL:
Sign language group, sang a song in Chinese sign language.

Two of my students - Flora and Jovian singing while the sign language group goes.

My student Amanda, leading the sign language group from the aisle.

Maggie's grade 10s doing a scene from Sound of Music - when Maria first meets the children and 'Do-Re-Mi'

Learning Chinese Sign Language

Three piano players