
Monday 20 May 2013

Jinling International Department Aztec Myth Skit Presentations

For the past week my three history classes have been reading, writing the script and practicing an Aztec myth skit.  We were all getting bored of the standard reading and powerpoints so I thought this would be a nice change of pace and from all accounts it was success with the exception of one class.They were all encouraged to find costumes and props to make the presentation a bit more realistic and some of them were really creative with what they found/made.
Here are the pics from the three best performances.
Class 1 Group 1

Class 1 Group 2

Class 3. This class only has 9 students so they were all in the same group.

Nanjing Hash - May 19, 2013

This past Sunday I went on another hash with the foreigners of Nanjing.  I must say this was one of my favourites to date, and not just because I had Marta and India joining me.  It was one of the most physical challenging walks but we saw parts of Nanjing that I don't think I would have ever seen if not for the hash.  As always I had a lot of fun and I have some pictures to show you are experience.
We all met at the subway station at the edge of town at 2pm ready to walk.  This is our Hare, Al telling the newbies the rules and what they need to look for while walking.

This beauty was near the beginning of the trail.

This is Marta and India walking ahead of me following the group as we try to find the trail.  The whole group walked for about 10 minutes until we decided to turn back since no one had seen any markers for quite a while.

We got back to near the beginning and we discovered this very faint circle on the ground, that indicates a check point, meaning we should have changed directions.  The reason we missed it was because a van was parked over it.  There was another sign on the 10 minute walk that we had taken that should have told us to stop but it was covered by a scooter.
Back on the right trail, we came across this mat of drying rice right in the middle of the smog filled city, yummy.

Again the Hares didn't fully mark the route but luckily he was around and directed us into this large produce market. It was really nice, I don't think I have one near my house.

On the ground here there is an arrow that directs the path for us hashers to follow, luckily the runners ahead of us were able to see this one.

At one point there was a fork in the road and you could either take the "Brave" or "Weak" route, we were told that the "Brave" had a dog with red eyes but most of us chose that route.

This is the red eyed dog.

A collapsed building along the "Brave" route.

Living in the apartment and neighbourhood that I live in I sometimes forget that China is considered a developing country in some aspects, this room is all the house the people in this area live in...I felt weird taking a picture of their actual home so I found an empty one instead.

The "Brave" route included a jaywalk across a multi-lane highway, luckily very few cars on the road.

Entering a green area on a hill side.

I finally caught up with Marta and India's group after walking with others for almost 40 minutes, we walked the rest of the trip together.
These adorable children were playing on the path when we stopped for our beer stop.  They loved being in front of the camera for me.

This cutie especially.

Beer Stop - time to recuperate and drink beer

Our two hares - the men that planned this amazing walk.

Marta (shorter one) and India (taller one).  Marta is from Turin, Italy.  India is from Napa, California.

Three beautiful ladies.

Finishing off the beer stop.

Okay that's all I can right now, gotta head to school. Will finish later today.

As we were walking away from the beer stop we learned that this hilly area was actually the mass cemetery from the Nanjing Massacre where 300,000+ Nanjingers were brutally murdered by the Japanese.

The beginning of a beautiful path along the crest of a mountain.

View of the Yangtze River

The girls at the top of this mountain.

India having a break.

On our way back into Nanjing.

New housing development, 14,000RMB per square metre ($2,343 per square metre).

"Award Ceremony" at the end of the hash.

I turned away for a few minutes to talk to the girls and the circle filled in completely, with a Chinese audience complete with hard hats.

Marta and India drinking their "hash virgins" down-downs.