
Thursday 11 April 2013

Dumpling Day

This afternoon my students took a break from classes and had a small dumpling making competition.  It was a lot of fun and very delicious.  They also made fruit art as part of the competition.  The most dumplings made by one class was 111.  My two classes got 1st and 2nd place out of the four classes competing.

Gloria making sure Cheryl can't run and hide from the camera.

Rolling out dumpling dough.

A whole lot of delicious fruit.

Sara loves the camera.

Irene and Sara preparing the dumpling fillings.

Dumpling Sauce - a mix of garlic cloves, soy sauce and a little sugar

Dumplings made by hand.

Cindy constructing her fruit art.

Flora cutting cucumbers.

Robert kept getting in my way.

N'aix and Amanda making dumplings.

Class B's fruit display. 2nd Place

Class A's fruit display.  1st place.

Eat 15 dumplings as fast as you can.  Leon won by 10 seconds.

Sunday 7 April 2013

Shanghai Part Two (April 4 to 6, 2013)

Hello all,

Got back last night from my trip to Shanghai with Maggie.  We had a three day holiday for QingMing (Tomb Sweeping) and we decided to spend it in Shanghai since Maggie had not yet had a chance to explore the city.  It was a great three days, seeing parts of the city that I hadn't in December and returning to a few of the same places.

April 4, 2013
Our train left Nanjing at 9:02am and we didn't fall asleep in the hostel until after 10pm. It was a great but long day.
Nanjing South Railway Station...the largest in Asia

So smart! Cleaning the floor with mops attached to scooters!

Going down to the platform.

Me at the Bund

Maggie's new friends.
The French Concession.
The restaurant 'More Than Toilet' - a very unique experience.
Toilet Seats!

Delicious Ice Cream in a squatter (toilets here in China) shaped bowl. 

Dan's Cafe all the way in China.

Very Cool Shop but definitely weird.
Tree lined road way in the residential area of Shanghai

I heard alot of children playing and wanted to check out this park as we walked by it.

Exercise equipment in the park - free to use.  Great Idea!
The Bund at night.

Stupid fog made the flash do weird things.

Every time we walked passed this hotel there were a bunch of people taking pictures of it.  We don't know why but we thought we'd join the group and take a picture of it as well. 

April 5, 2013
Oriental Pearl Tower...not much to see with this stupid cloud.

Elevated Pedestrian Walkway

The Best Pants Ever!!!

"Hello, Can we help you find something?"
East Nanjing Road - Pedestrian Street

People's Park in the Centre of Shanghai

Megatron outside an arcade on the way to the best burgers in Shanghai (and since I've arrived in China).

Angry Birds store in a mall...these hoodies really disturb me.

Crying Panda.

Creepy dolls.

Elevated Road at Night.

ATMs in Shanghai, individual booths to protect you and keep people from crowding you while you do your banking.

It locks!

April 6, 2013
Rolls Royce Wedding Car...followed by 3 Mercedes. I also saw a white Lamborghini but my camera wasn't fast enough.

Jade Buddha Temple

Maggie is too tall for China.

Still too tall.

I'm just the right height for China.

All of the paintings in the background were hand painted by this brush just her fingers and that black plate of paint.

Reclining Jade Buddha.  There is another Jade Buddha in this temple but you are not allowed to take pictures of it but I got a free postcard with an image of it so that's okay.

Lucky bell dragon...people would place money on the dragon and then rub it.

My name in Chinese!

Maggie's name in Chinese!

Art District of Shanghai
Graffiti artists on the outside of the Art District.

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station