
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sentosa Island and South East Asia (S.E.A.) Aquarium

So today was our last full day in Singapore and we decided to kind of take it easy.  That meant go to Sentosa Resort Island and see the World's Largest Aquarium and anything else on the island.
Sentosa offers a cable car from the mainland over to the island, so we decided to take that as well as see the Aquarium and the Tiger Sky Tower.

There was a large European Cruise ship docked at the Cruise Boat shipyard, mostly middle aged to retiree Europeans.

The first cable car to cross from the Singapore mainland over to Sentosa Island in the 1970s.
This tower stands 110 metres tall, and allows for an unobstructed view of the entire island.  The entire capsule where the people sat moved up and down and spun around so that you could get a full 360 view.
Looking towards Singapore.

Again towards Singapore.

Check out this video above for a 360 view of Sentosa island and the Singapore skyline.
Big boat inside the Maritime Experiential Museum, attached to the Aquarium.
Ocean View, the largest in the world.



Hammerhead Sharks overhead.

Dori! "Just keep swimming."

Eliza named this guy "Big Fudge"

Nemo and Marlin! "I'm looking for my son." "We live in an anonome."

Chocolate Chip Sea Star

Monday 28 January 2013

Singapore Zoo and Night Safari

Today Eliza and I spent the entire day at the Singapore Zoo and Night Safari, which are actually two different zoos side by side.  We left the hostel at 9:50am and didn't get back until 11:30pm.  It was a long day but a lot of fun seeing alot of animals that are native to Asia, South East Asia, and some from Africa (very few if any from the Americas). 

Ready to start the day of exploring the zoo.

White Rhino baby and it's Mommy.

Hello Mr Iguana

Pygmy Hippos - Mommy and Baby (the 11th this Momma has had)

Pygmy Hippo - The Entire Family

Tortoises enjoying a late breakfast.

Orangutans in the world's first free-ranging exhibit, they were climbing all over the trees above our heads.

Timon! Saying Hello.


More Tigers! But different breed from Harbin.

Asian Elephants.

Gambir the Elephant crossing a log, her feet never touched the ground even when she turned around.

Thank you for my hat Gambir.

Eliza feeding Janti, the next possible Matriarch in the Singapore Zoo elephant herd.

Me feeding Janti.

Giant Rabbits in the Kid's section (Eliza was curious how big a giant rabbit was).

Ring-tailed Lemurs smelling each others' bottoms.

Me and a very lazy Zoboomafoo! 

This little guy sat and posed for 5 minutes as the pesky humans took pictures of him.

"I didn't touch him."

Malayan Tapir
There are no pictures from the Night Safari as it was dark and they asked us not to use flash photography to protect the animals but here are some google images of some of our favourites from last night.

Asian Otters, these guys were so small and cute.  Whenever we stopped to watch them at their enclosures they would watch us hoping we had food for them.  One of them answered me when I said 'hello' to it.

This is a Fishing Cat, we stood and watched them for a few minutes as they contemplated catching some of the fish in the pond of their enclosure.

My new favourite cat after the Lynx.  This is a Serval, its coat is very similar to the above Fishing Cat but this guy is bigger and and very distinct large ears.  They had a momma and cub at the Safari and while we were watching the cub caught a mouse to eat.

And last but not least the Slow Loris.  This little guys were so cute and they actually moved pretty fast despite their names.  There were baby Loris' in a seperate enclosure that were even more cute than their parents.